1. Using a Boley Gauge, take a buccal-lingual and mesio-disial measurement of the tooth to be restored (at the gingiva).

    2. Transfer these measurements to a preparation on the male part of the mold or to scale provided.

    3. Almost fill the female part of the mold opposite the selected preparation on the male part. The composite cannot be too stiff. Some composites can be softened in a microwave oven (2 minutes), or mixed softer by using the bonding agent with the composite. Flowable composite & Bis-Acryl resins have ideal consistancy.

    4. Close the mold, be sure to engage the key at the center of the mold first. Do not press hard. Place the mold in a light chamber, or use a hand-held light gun to the transparent side of the mold. The transparency of the mold will allow the light to pass through and cure the composite.

    5. To make a pontic, merely select the proper tooth in the female part of the mold. Follow #3 above and then place the mold in a light-cure chamber for 2 minutes, follow the manufacturers procedure, or use a light gun.

    6. After the first light exposure - remove the tooth from the mold, and give it a second treatment to complete the hardening process.

    1. Select proper shade.

    2. Mix acrylic in dappen dish or plastic cup - and pour into the mold. Follow same steps as with composite jackets and bridge instructions.

    3. When acrylic has polymerized, just pop out of the mold. Remove any flashing.

    4. A pressure pot can be used to really harden the cold cure jackets and bridges.

    1. Heat a small amount (4 oz.) of Perfect-Wax (acqua or tooth color) in a tin or small pot. Use an electric wax pot or an electric hot plate.

    2. With a glass medicine dropper suck up the liquid wax and syringe into the female part of the mold. Put the male counterpart into place as per previous instructions.

    3. When wax is chilled - flex the mold and the wax pattern will pop out.

    4. Avoid using dark colored wax which could stain mold or contaminate acrylic.

Como usar los moldes plásticos de Perfectone:
Die Verwendung von Perfectone platischen Gussformen:
    Heat casting wax in small tin or laboratory wax pot. Suck up wax in glass medicine dropper supplied with mold.
    Caliente usted la cera fundible en una lata pequeña o en un crisol del laboratories Chupe usted la cera en el cuentagotas de vidrio que está aprovisionado con el molde.
    Wärmen Sic das Gusswachs in einer kleinen Dose oder in einem Tiegel von Labor, Mit der besorgten Augenpipette saugen Sie das geschmolzene Wachs ein.

    1. Spread the mold slightly and shoot the wax into the mold from the dropper. The wax should be hot enough to flow like water. Allow the wax to chill.
    Extienda usted el molde un poco y dispare la cera del cuentagotas en el molde. La cera debe ser bastante caliente para fluir como agua. Déje usted calofriarse la cera.
    Breiten Sie de Gussform ein wenig aus und spritzen Sie das Wachs von der Augenpipette in die Gussform hinein. Das Wachs soll heiss genug sein, um wie Wasser zu fliessen. Lassen Sie das Wachs abkühlen.

    2. Hold mold in left hand, and press 2 or 3 fingers in back of the mold to help "push" out the pattern - at the same time flex the mold by pressing down with your right hand on the opposite end of the mold, as in illustration.
    Tenga usted el molde en la mano izquierda y aprete dos o tres dedos contra el dorso del molde para ayudar en "empujar" el patrón. - A la vez doble usted el molde por presionar con la mano derecha sobre el otro cabo del molde, como ilustrado.
    Halten Sie die Gussform in der linken Hand und drücken Sie mit zwei oder drei Finger an die Rückseite der Gussform, um das Muster frei zu "stossen" - gleichzetig biegen Si die Gussform mit Druck von der rechten Hand auf dem gegenüberstehenden Ende der Gussform - zur.