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- Produces Molar to Molar Interdigitating Upper and Lower Dentitions

- Creates four sizes

USES: For waxing diagnostic models (i.e. using tooth color Perfect-Wax). For cold-cure acrylic, Bis- Acryl and flowable composite resin provisional bridges. For pouring female counterpart in plaster of paris and using cast as a teaching reference for occlusal & labial anatomy.

    Temporary bridge "shells" can also be made in wax from this mold if a "hot-cure" bridge is to be made.

    Use tooth color Perfect-Wax for disgnostic models.

    Female half of mold can be utilized for multiple solid pontics (in wax and cold-cure acrylic) for speed wax-up of gnathalogical and diagnostic study models.

    Female half of mold can be cast in plaster of paris or stone as a teaching reference for occlusal and labial anatomy.
Who will find this mold helpful?

    General Practitioners
    Dental Technicians
    Dental Schools as a Teaching Tool